
António Guterres, UN Secretary-General and Board Chair of the UN Global Compact said that “Now is the time to scale up the global business community’s contributions to the 2030 Agenda.”. Although it is recognised that some progress has been made in the last 5 years towards the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, businesses need to do much more to accelerate corporate sustainability and responsible business practice.cultural, economic, education and training-related barriers.

Aim & Specific Objectives

LEADING 2030 aims to boost post-pandemic sustainable business practices. The objectives of the project are:

  1. Accelerate a culture of sustainability and ownership of the SDGs, creating a holistic and practical background and driving action

  2. Upskill business consultants/CVET professionals and leaders with competences to mainstream sustainability across sectors

  3. Develop a set of innovative and cutting-edge didactic resources, available in digital and open media, to empower any interested professional and equip VET and business with a bespoke hands-on portfolio

  4. Enhance local/regional/national and European cooperation through the participation of associated partners, experts and key-stakeholders

  5. Fostering dissemination of best practices on promoting innovative inclusive and flexible learning opportunities within the VET ecosystem and expanding to other education offers as well


The project will deliver eight concrete results:

  1. LEADING 2030 practice principles framework, around three key-areas: Sustainability, Business Practices, Leadership

  2. LEADING 2030 upskilling programme, comprising six units: Sustainability, Business Practices, Leadership, Prioritising Opportunities, Aligning Goals, Taking Action

  3. LEADING 2030 multiresource WebHub

  4. LEADING 2030 Corporate MOOCs, covering nine thematic areas

  5. LEADING 2030 StoryMaps, a set of seven inspirational digital narratives about the implementation of LEADING 2030 practice principles in the participating countries


LEADING 2030 will feature original and advanced methodology and digital resources, developed to help participating organisations, its staff and other interested business consultants/CVET professionals and leaders to cope with the challenges and demands in advancing SDGs, and implement sustainable and responsible post-pandemic business practices. The hope is that the resulting outcomes will provide a blueprint for other organisations, professionals and leaders.



CARDET (Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental, research and development organization based in Cyprus. It is one of the leading research and development centres in the Euro-Mediterranean region, with global expertise in project design and implementation, capacity building, and e-learning. CARDET is independently affiliated with universities and institutions from around the world, such as Yale University, the University of Nicosia and the International Council of Educational Media. CARDET has completed numerous projects relating to the development of capacity building and planning in education and VET, youth support, adult learning, literacies, digital tools, eLearning, educational technology, and social integration of marginalized groups and seniors.


The Centre for Studies and Urban and Regional Development, Ltd. (CEDRU) is a technical consulting company in land use management, economics, society, and culture with more than 35 years of experience. Its main work areas are strategic planning, climate change adaptation and mitigation, land use management, urban planning, capacity building and institutional development, European studies, and public policy evaluation. Simultaneously, applied research, training or scientific, technical, and cultural meetings development are CEDRU regular activities.
With diverse skills and professional and academic preparation, the core team is supported by an extensive network of national and international consultants, allowing for extensive participation in projects at both national and international levels. This led to CEDRU’s involvement in leading or partnering with international and European institutions on several reference studies.


“Founded in 2017, Mindshift is a consultancy company with a national presence in Lisbon and Castelo Branco. With a strong focus on skills development, Mindshift’s main business areas are: #consulting services; #project design and management; #bespoke mentoring, coaching, training, and skills development programmes; #didactic digital tools; #dynamisation of professional working groups.
Mindshift fosters strategic collaboration with local, national and international partners based on a culture of value creation and sustainability. Its multidisciplinary team is strongly committed to ESG practices and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”


Heraklion Chamber of Commerce and Industry is one of the largest chambers of commerce in Greece, and the largest independent networking and business support organisation in Crete. Representing the interests of approx. 22.000 members from all sectors of the economy, the Heraklion Chamber of Commerce and Industry offer its members a wide range of practical and professional advisory services. HCCI is a public body established in 1918, receives no subsidy from any governmental body and it is financed entirely by its members’ contributions and fees and by community grants. The HCCI’s role is to act as an advisor and consultant to the general government for issues concerning commerce, industry and other issues relevant to economic development. A high priority aim for the Heraklion Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the continuous improvement of the services it provides to its members, in order to support their economic welfare.
HCCI is a member in the following International bodies:

  • Enterprise Europe Network
  • International Chamber of Commerce
  • Euro-Chambers – Member of the network of the Association of the European Chambers of Commerce and Industry
  • Insuleur – Network of the Insular Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the E.U
  • Arab-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and Development


Cuiablue OÜ is a social enterprise that drives positive social and environmental change through creative educational solutions for tailored informal learning and vocational training. Cuiablue OÜ’s core activities are the design, development, management, implementation, and widespread dissemination and exploitation of social innovation and research projects and programs, to support wider European strategic goals. Cuiablue OÜ specializes in designing innovative tools to support learning movements by working together with groups of people to advance their shared environmental, social, or cultural ideas while simultaneously developing their skills and knowledge. The aim is to use the expertise and European networks to generate long-term, positive social and digital impact in the fields of adult education, school education, vocational education, and training whilst also fostering empowerment and active participation among youths and marginalized communities, such as the elderly, refugees, and migrants.


Future in Perspective (FIP) is a private company working in the field of vocational education, business development and coaching, work-based learning, e-learning and digital media production. The company specialises in the development of innovative educational materials and courseware specifically targeted at non-mainstream educational providers. As a micro-enterprise, FIP is keenly aware of the challenges facing small businesses and entrepreneurs in our region. To encourage the growth of successful and sustainable businesses locally, FIP facilitates opportunities for entrepreneurs, micro-enterprises and SMEs to network with each other and to engage in peer learning in online and face-to-face environments.
Future In Perspective has extensive experience in managing and partnering in Erasmus+ projects, leading the development of innovative educational materials that leverage the power of digital media to inspire new teaching approaches. We have led the way in implementing these cutting-edge education practices by providing training and resources for educators at all levels of the education system, from pre-school to tertiary and from community educators to business mentors. Our focus is on creating high-quality, interactive and engaging educational content for learners of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds.


DISRUPTIA is a company expert in digital transformation that envisions smart technologies as game-changing tools to fully exploit the opportunities that digitalization can provide towards building the sustainable society of the future.
DISRUPTIA supports education entities and public institutions to define clear goals for an effective digital transformation strategy, fostering the development of a high-performing digital education ecosystem and enhancing digital skills and competences for the digital transformation.
As an entity of reference at National and EU level, DISRUPTIA designs innovative solutions in digitalization to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The entity provides access to an integrated network of unexploited big data with potential benefits for society and the environment, developing smart systems connected to the internet of things to generate unique opportunities to strategically address challenges associated with the SDGs, to ensure equitable, environmentally sustainable, and healthy societies.


Internationaler Bund (IB) Mitte gGmbH is part of the IB Group, an independent non-governmental organization and one of the largest service providers in the fields of youth and social work, education and labor market services in Europe. With over 700 facilities and branches at 300 locations worldwide, the IB supports 350,000 children, young people, adults and senior citizens each year in their career and life planning and offers a wide range of services. Its goals include helping people to develop in freedom, to shape their own lives, to integrate into society, to assume personal responsibility, to play an active role in shaping the development of society and to promote international understanding and cooperation. In addition, the IB also advocates, promotes and actively helps to shape diverse sustainability concepts. The IB works on the basis of the European social and educational policy and offers its competences and services worldwide.

Its vision is “To strengthen being human”.