The LEADING 2030 Corporate MOOCs are thematic and interactive e-learning courses, related with each one of the LEADING 2030 practice principles of the LEADING 2030 Practice Principle Framework. The MOOCs aim to equip leaders and organisations with the necessary tools and knowledge to adopt and implement the LEADING 2030 practice principles.

  • Mainstreaming Agenda 2030 aspirations trhough the 17 Global Goals
  • Putting global values, vision, corporate responsibility and sustainability at the core
  • Contribute to the world by aligning with the SDGs, both locally and globally
  • Embrace holistic business approaches in a post-pandemic context
  • Connecting business strategies with global priorities
  • Strengthening multi-stakeholders' relations to support future policy direction
  • Leading by example:ethics, employees' engagement and operational footprint
  • Develop Both Future and Existing Leaders Through Intergenerational Learning
  • Equip leaders with the LEADING 2030 competences